Monday, March 9, 2009

Camping Equipment

Most of us want  try our hand at camping, but I guess the camping equipment plays a big roll in some of the conscious fashion campers, knowing what type of camping equipment to take is essential to having a successful camping experience whether you use new or used camping gear.

Remember safety is always the key to a successful camping trip so prepare properly use a camping check list.

Most fashion-conscious, party-hard teenagers rate a night in the bush right down there with being grounded.A Saturday night without heaps of friends, hot music, dim lights and random encounters is a Saturday night worth missing.But a Saturday night in the bush is not just for nerdy outdoor wannabes. If your parents suggest a family tramp and a night under canvas, here's how you can make it not just bearable, but maybe even memorable.Never underestimate the importance of planning and organisation on a camp or tramp. Have every meal planned and be sensible about quantities and take only what you will need, plus a handful of nuts and some chocolate for emergencies.
Tramp 'n' camp guide for Generation Why |

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1 comment:

Helene said...

Adhering to these sensible camping guidelines will make your camping trip a memorable event.